Sunday, August 20, 2017



This is my first blog post!

I was so inspired by other law school blogs that I've decided to start my own! I hope that this blog brings encouragement to other law school applicants out there :).

I am currently studying to take the LSAT in September. The LSAT is the most brutal thing that I have ever studied for. It is extremely frustrating studying for something that feels like you are making extremely small improvements over a long time span. ugh. I am currently one point away from my goal score, so I guess that is an improvement :).

A lot of people in my life don't really seem to understand how hard the LSAT is. It's frustrating when people say, "oh, just study a lot and you will do fine". Hahaha yeah right!!! People don't understand the LSAT unless they have studied for it.

I still have almost a month away from taking the LSAT. This will be my second time taking it. I took it in June and did NOT do well. I feel like I have a much better grasp on the material this time around then in June. I feel like I didn't do as well in June because I didn't have the fundamentals down. Also, I was banking on taking the LSAT in September so maybe I didn't do my best because I knew I had a second chance.

I am using 7Sage prep course and I really like how you can watch videos and have someone walk through the problems with you. I have learned different techniques from this prep course. I am very happy I purchased it. This especially works with my work schedule since I work almost full time. I have a lot of downtime during my job so it's convenient to just pop headphones in and watch a video.

I am leaving for San Francisco this week to go to a wedding. My fiancé's best friend is getting married. I'm pretty excited about going because all this LSAT prep and work is making me go crazy! It will be nice having a break and I am hoping that I can sneak some studying in.

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