Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Law School

Hello Loves!! I have some exciting news: I'm going to law school! It feels so good to be writing these words. I start orientation next week and classes start on the 19th of August. I received a really great scholarship that pays for almost all of my tuition. I have worked so hard to get here. I plan to continue to blog throughout my law school experience. I actually have a few life updates as...
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What to do After Taking the LSAT

Today's post is going to be about what to do after taking the LSAT. Five hours later you exit the testing room. You think to yourself, "I'm free, I'm done with the LSAT!" then the horrible realization comes crashing down on you. "HOLY  &*#@?!## #$$$%^ how did I do? Did I mess up that logic game section? What section was the experimental section? Why the eff was there a circular...
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

June Must Haves

Hello Beautiful, I wanted to post another entry but thought I would post something that is not law-related to get my mind off of the LSAT. Today's entry is on my June must haves. 1) Perfect Bar Image Source I found these bars first at Trader Joe's and was instantly intrigued. I really like that these bars do not contain protein powder or anything unnatural...
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Retaking the LSAT.

Hellođź’• Sorry for the super long hiatus! I got my LSAT score back from the September LSAT and my score was significantly lower than what my practice tests were. I could not believe it. I was obviously very upset and wondered if I should even go to law school? I thought maybe I'm not as smart or dedicated as I thought that I was. During this time I was going through a lot. Last year I still...
Sunday, August 20, 2017


Hello! This is my first blog post! I was so inspired by other law school blogs that I've decided to start my own! I hope that this blog brings encouragement to other law school applicants out there :). I am currently studying to take the LSAT in September. The LSAT is the most brutal thing that I have ever studied for. It is extremely frustrating studying for something that feels like you...